
2023 🐇

THE BIG LEAP. THE SHIFT. A scary but inspired HOP into a new direction. Releasing the old and welcoming the NEW. All you gotta do is ….Jummmmmp!

A FRESH new fuzzy, snuggly, bouncy year ahead. And I am delighted to say I’ve made the big leap into my soul-essence life.  More art, more writing, more fun stuff, more inspiration, more WHIMSY. That’s the theme of my life now. And the BUNNY goddess has spoken.

(Side note: Bunny is my soul guide and I literally see bunnies (in so many forms; from stickers to memes to t-shirts to REAL bunnies, etc.) EVERY day, which is my BIG SIGN that the Universe is listening. So, year of RABBIT?  OMG, this is the big one my peeps!)

Thankfully I’ve been able to make this transition because last year I worked my AZZ off to make enough moola to take at least 6 months this year to fully explore what it could be like to live as an artist, writer, speaker, and Fierce Pollyanna. I am excited to see how it all unfolds. I am embracing the UNTETHERED soul inside me. (See Michael Singer’s excellent book.)

Last year, (and for a few years it’s been building) it became utterly clear that the tattoo industry was not the place for me to thrive anymore, other than tattooing my own lovely clients as just another form of art and intuition I get to share.

I paid my dues–I pounded the pavement, borrowed, cried, shoe-stringed it, dealt with the haters and I built a brick & mortar studio & school that is finally a success. I worked with students, I wrote two tattoo books, and, during the pandemic, I hosted a tattoo industry telesummit (a huge amount of work and cash invested there).

Then last year I worked for a national tattoo company helping them set up a training program based on my curriculum. Some awesome adventures and travel and some not so awesome realizations. 😉

Sometime during 2022, when I had no time to write, blog or paint, I just felt overwhelmed by it all. I was ready to change. I was ready to FINALLY listen to the whisper-twinkle in my heart.  I have another path.

Truly I embraced what Gay Hendricks talks about in his book “The Big Leap”—tattooing and teaching tattoo may be my area of expertise but creating, inspiring, and encouraging are my areas of genius! And connecting to the MUSE and the messages from spirit are a big part of my journey. So I’m conquering my fears and HOPPING off the ledge, and trusting the NET will appear.

Believe me, it was a scramble to clear my plate, declutter my office, home & art space (oh-so-many hours of work) and start turning the reins of my wonderful tattoo school (my baby) over to my partner.  WHOA…a lesson in letting go and taking a leap of faith.

Turns out getting sick in the middle of all this just reminded me to take it easy, rejuvenate and keep the internal knowing that I was on the right track, all tuned up and tuned in.

TA DAH…finally the last few weeks I’ve been fully immersed in updating my website, drawing, creating new products, painting, writing, leading a fab Possibility Posse (of high vibe amazingly awesome women) and creating a virtual retreat coming up next week.

Yes, I feel fired up, ready to live this life I have dreamed-up to the fullest. I can hardly wrap my brain around the fact that I am here. Thanks to some incredible MENTORS, the love of family, friends & the Universe, my book/curriculum sales, an incredible VA named Char and a wonderfully supportive partner, I am actually creating a NEW adventurous, illuminated life as a “creatrix”.

Been busy bubbling ideas for several years and making cool things and channeling the Muse…so that’s what’s coming up next. Woo hoo!

Very excited to share this new journey with you. I’ve got so many COOL things brewing. I feel all BOINGY inside. Thanks in advance for your patience with me as I figure out the ways and means to reach into the world with my gifts and messages.

🌟If you are a possibility THINKER, if you believe in soul connection, whimsy, and magic, you are in the right place.🌟

My motto: CREATE – ILLUMINATE – CONNECT has never felt so true.

HOPPY year of the Bunny!

Shelly Dax, The Fierce Pollyanna

PS: You may see I have even embraced my lovely SILVER goddess hair. Cause I’m me, I’m real, and it’s part of my BIG Leap! When I grow up I’m gonna be a wizard-ess!